Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Sandow's Excellent Adventure: The Sandow's Excellent Adventure: JANUARY 5th BOAR...

The Sandow's Excellent Adventure: The Sandow's Excellent Adventure: JANUARY 5th BOAR...: "Only I can screw up the blog site - can anyone tell me what date it stopped making sense?"

I am retyping now all that I put on the blog today - what a pain in the ASSSSSSSS!


It is now 10:20am and I am sitting on the upper deck in the shade (temp is about 78) and I am watching the same 2 lunatics walking around and around and around the deck exercising - they do this daily, It's not like I don't appreciate their efforts of course, they quickly walk for the better part of one hour in the sun, but it's the friggin self righteous look as I sit quietly in the shade with a cigarette in my pursed lips! They do not smile as they exercise and make no eye contact with the other passengers a they exercise,

Personally I gave up exercising 2 days ago. It is far more fun to watch someone else sweat.

Len went to buy a bathing suit to prepare for the Pollywog ceremony this afternoon at 3pm. There is scuttlebut aboard the ship that the crew plans to mess with the guess as part of this initiation.

I will take pictures of Len being initiated. I'm not willing to get my hair wet.

Last night was a formal dinner. I wore a jacket and long skirt. I looked great. Len took photos of me but they did not transfer to hims computer though others did. Twilight Zone.

I'll wear it again and take pictures then.

Carol, I know you bought the same outfit at Macy's but let me tell you, you have better hope that the wedding takes place on the coldest night of the year in Miami. I WAS BOILING HOT!

The dinner was fantastic of course. The best we've eaten anywhere. Portions are just the right size, especially for a meal that was 8 courses long and took 2 hours to eat.

I sat between the Hotel Manager and a retired dentist. It was an elegant evening. I will be meeting with him later on in the cruise to talk about long voyages.

I understand that there are people who have logged thousands and thousands of nautical miles under their belts. There is a couple on board who last year rented out an entire Seabourn ship and took all their friends out for a week's cruise. Pretty neat,

UPDATE - after 4:30 PM

We crossed the equator at 2:10 pm. There was a countdown and the ship's horn blew a really long toot. Everyone cheered.

Everyone came out on deck poolside to watch the Pollywogs initiation. Len was among them. The band played a funeral march as everyone walked toward King Neptune.
All the Pollywogs had to answer to King Neptunes treason charges and Len was charged with eating too many desserts. He had to kiss a fish, walk the plank and have colored goo poured ovr him ad then had to jump in the pool. What fun to watch.

Will try to upload photos.
Time for dinner it is almost 7PM

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