Friday, January 21, 2011


Spent a quiet day today and I am getting a little antsy.  It was extremely hot, about 95, yet the water temperature has gotten lower, about 77 and it is quite humid. (so much for the hairdo) There are some people sitting and baking in the sun and a couple have turned from white skinned to very dark brown. Funny, the lips of these people remain lighter than their complexion. I think they should have a dermatologist give lectures on board!

We had a Galley Lunch today which was very nice.  They put out everything, from a whole roast pig to lobster claws.  We went into the galley before the hoard arrived and Len took photos. Here is a photo taken in the main dining room. There were 2 tables loaded with desserts.  In the center of each was a baked Alaska.   There were 2 different sugar sculptures at the end of the tables.  The galley of course was spotless clean and there must have been at least 10 stations with so much food.  The kitchen is huge and I understand that there are more than 62 persons working in the kitchen and 48 of them are chefs.  Their beef is 21 day aged Texas beef and for the most part the food is delicious.  I think because I am eating smaller portions, my sugar has been great and am taking less medication than I did at home.  I think Len and I are about done with eating  "great food" .  We skipped tea and goodies today. How many scones and clotted cream can one person eat?

We had the last lecture from the Maori chief today and he passed around his traditional weapons for us to hold.  The carvings on them were fantastic.  I finished the lion painting and I think Len and I will eat in our room tonight so I can give the painting to our waiter Calvin.  Here it is. Looks better in real life.

This is a picture of the little boat our stewardess made for us when we crossed the date line yesterday.

Can't wait to touch land again.  We hit New Zealand on Monday, just 2 days from now.

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