Friday, March 11, 2011

CAMBODIA - Should we even get off the bus????????

Ok - we arrived in Sihanoukville, named for the "Father of Cambodia" also King of Cambodia who separated his country from France.  One big mistake I think! The city was developed as a deep water port for Cambodia in the 70's.  Poor does not aptly describe this country.  Dirty is not a good enough adjective either.

They are expanding or adding a building by the dock and you have to see how this man's labor is utilized by his employer.  I don't know what his wages are like but this was CRAZY.
Look at all 3 pictures carefully.  In the first one he is filling his little bucket with water on the ground   from a recent rain.  In the second photo he is walking to where he needs to unload his bucket.  In the 3rd picture he is dumping the water into the ditch maybe 20 feet away.  Wouldn't you think a pick and a shovel to make a trench to divert the water is a better idea? My guess that with all the rain in this country he has plenty of job security!

I certainly don't have to describe the temperature - no different than the other Asian countries we've visited.

Right behind the ship was a "fishing village" .  Len took these photos from the back of the docked ship.

The shuttle bus was going into town and unfortunately the guide's english was really poor but we did understand that we were to get off the bus about 10 minutes away from the market and take a Tuk Tuk
to the market.

Most people were hesitant to get off the bus until he told us it would cost $2.00 to get to the market.
Here's the reason we didn't want to get off the bus! Len took this picture in our seats in the bus. They encircled the bus like vultures around a dying animal.  Yelling and shouting for our attention.  Everyone just sat there until one brave soul got up and most everyone followed although a number of people stayed to go back to the ship. You can't make eye contact or your caught like a fish on a hook!

Well the least threatening of the bunch caught our eye and he held my hand tightly as we descended the bus steps as he muscled his way through the pushy crowd.

His english was pretty good and we followed him to his Tuk Tuk for a ride to the market.

The ride was short and we wanted him to come into the market that I've since renamed "The Pit of Hell"

Forget a/c - how about some electricity inside the market. It was sooooo dark.

The light inside was terrible and the people for the most part were not even interested in selling but stood around gabbing to one another.  We did find a cigarette seller though whose stall was close to the entrance. He was also a currency exchanger but we had changed some US into their money 30 to 1 on the ship.

Well we walked around inside and didn't buy anything except a couple of Camel Shirts - good quality cotton that Camel cigarettes used as a Premium gift in the US.  $10. ea

These women were selling peanuts.

I have no idea what this woman was cooking in the market.

This guy was making jewelry in the dark!!! Len's flash lit him up.

We left the market after about 1/2 hour of stumbling down dark alleys.  We asked the driver to show us the sites.  They are supposed to have a few fabulous beaches and a 4 star hotel here.  It is supposed to
rival Pukhet (S. Thailand)

There were a number of foreign tourists on the beach and staying here is supposed to be inexpensive other than at the 4 star hotel.

Although the beach was not busy - the shrimp-whatever seller was busy.

As we drove past homes with refuse burning in front we couldn't help remarking to each other the filth & dirt these people choose to live in. Poor does not mean you have to live like pigs.

Well we went to another beach - Apparently it is where the people like to come and party after work but I guess there is no point in showing you more rubbish except to see the tail of a dragon going into the sand at this beach and the other end (the head) coming out at the 5 star resort. The Sokha Beach Resort is spotless.

Well it started to get very overcast and we were far from town but we continued to the 3rd beach that had about 100 wild monkeys (Independence Beach) and sitting on the fence was this little guy.

and these

By now it is really raining as we headed back to town.  These 2 got caught in the rain.

As we came down a hill we saw a river of mud and these kids having a great time.

Their mother was yelling at them to come in the house!

By now we were wet but a little cooler as we headed back to the ship.  We did not want to stand in the parking lot in the downpour waiting for the bus so our driver took us back to the ship.

As we were walking by the docks Len caught this guy waiting for his truck to be unloaded.

Next port Laem Chabang Thailand (Bangkok)

And this is me blogging.

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