Saturday, March 5, 2011


We sleep with our curtains open and are able to look out at the sea from our bed.  The nights are pitch black and this night a fog had come in making it impossible to see past the side of the ship. I am not as sound a sleeper as Len and about 2AM our room lit up like a light had been switched on.  It was coming from outside so I got out of bed and went onto the balcony.  Straight ahead of me were super super bright lights that looked like hi-beam headlights of a huge truck.  It was so foggy though, all I could make out were the lights. The water was like a sheet of glass.
I watched the lights slowly "drive" toward the back of the ship until they went out of view.

I was going to wake Len but he was so sound asleep and the lights did not come closer to the ship so I went back to an uneasy sleep.

The next day I was mentioning this to another passenger and she told me she was awakened to a loud bang, had gone out on her balcony and had seen these strange lights as well.  She told me that in these waters that we are being "shadowed" by naval ships and perhaps with her hearing the loud bang and seeing these lights that maybe we had hit another ship and our "shadowers" we coming to investigate.

I asked the Vitor, the Maitre D'hotel if this was possible and of course he said that we are not being "shadowed" by any naval ships and it must have been something else.
So the mystery remained.

The next evening at dinner I was seated talking to someone and lo and behold I see the same lights through the window. Vitor was close by and saw me standing by the window, came over and asked me if that is what I saw.  Trying not to appear tooooo stupid, I told him not quite the same, but in essence  it was exactly the same.  I asked him what it was and he said a squid fishing boat.

After dinner we went up to our balcony and since there was no fog that evening Len got him camera and this is what he shot.

First of all, rumors abound on the ship.  We are going through the entire trip, we are terminating the trip in Dubai; we are going through the Suez canal; we are going around Africa because we can't get through the canal; we will be attacked by Somali pirates; we will hire guards to stand with machine guns on the front and the back of the ship and of course some DITZ aboard thinks the guards are so handsome, big and strong she is exited to have them aboard! No kidding.

So we don't listen to rumors - It is like the game of telephone.  When one person hears or thinks of something going wrong, by the time it gets to the last passenger you would think that the calamity is almost here.

We will enjoy our time on the ship, whatever is to come.

By the way,  there are literally THOUSANDS of fishing boats along the coast -  every night -  all lined up, all with lights that light up the water.  In the market in Saigon you would not believe the quantity of fresh seafood they sell.

Here is a picture just looking straight out of our balcony and all the lights of the fishing boats in the distance.

More blogging coming!

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