Monday, March 21, 2011


We arrived in the city of Georgetown which is the capital of the state of Penang, Malaysia and named after King George III.  The city of Georgetown was founded in 1786 for the British East India Company as a base for the company in the Malay States.

We had no tours planned and we had about 8 hours to go ashore and we decided to get a taxi to drive us around.

We asked him to take us to a souvenir shop and he took us to probably the best one we've been in on the entire trip.  The walls, ceilings, counters and shelves were full.  We roamed around in the store for more than 2 1/2 hours and left the store after making good friends with the owner and one of his salesman below.

Never missing an opportunity for a photo, Len took a picture of their toilet.

When everything was well packaged, we turned to leave and the driver we had let go was at the door, waiting.  Not only was he waiting, his wife was there as well.  Her english was better than his and when we asked him to take us touring and  asked how much, he said it would be up to us.  Never, anywhere on this trip did we have a driver say this.

They took us to 2 temples, both Buddhist, the first 4 pictures are from the Thai temple

On this statue and other like it, you can buy a small sheet of gold leaf and apply it.

These are from the Burmese Temple.  My guess is that it is the difference between Episcopalians and Anglicans.

Here's a monk is blessing a couple, maybe contemplating marriage.  They had no problems in either temple with people taking pictures.

Our driver and wife drove us through town and Len caught this old building, and a man at work in a store front.

We drove for about 3 hours then back to the ship.  When Len asked him again he said - "up to you."   Len gave him $40. US - They seemed very happy.

As we got on board a small fishing boat came by.

Tomorrow we go back to Thailand but in the very south of the country.

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