Tuesday, April 19, 2011

CIVITAVECCHIA (say that fast 3 times) - April 15th

Originally built by Emperor Trajan who had a villa here, this city is a major port for Rome since the 13th century. The Renaissance fortifications that surround the harbor area were completed by Michelangelo in 1535.

Right by our ship were these ruins.

It was a cold and dreary day and unfortunately not enough time to take the train into Rome which was an hour trip so we wandered the city.

Not much to see except a central food market where we bought the most delicious olives imaginable!

Everything is sooo expensive.  These hams were $25 Euros a kilo.

Ever see such a big pepper? Me neither!

Len took this interesting shot of an old door. Huge - at least 14' tall. The small door cut into it is average size.

By the market, this lady was watching the traffic go by.  I don't think too many visitors come to Civitavecchia!

I have been collecting pins and souvenirs to put on the back of my jacket and have something from every port we have been to.  I never would have thought I would find a pin with the name Civitavecchia on it, but I did.

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