Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SPAIN - 3 CITIES - 1 BLOG - April 17th, 18th, 19th

Barcelona is the capital of Spain and the 2nd largest city after Madrid.  It is a major tourist destination and the city is lovely.  People were nice however not as friendly as the Italians.  The weather could not have been nicer in Barcelona as well as Seville but started to drizzle in Cartagena.

We had no tours planned and got off the ship with Sandy and Dan to stroll around the city.  We walked for miles.  Since this is holy week, what better way to see the people than to stand and watch a procession with music and religious statues in the city.  They have a fabulous esplanade called Las Ramblas and it was filled with people walking.  We arrived on a Sunday, most of the stores were closed but the building were wonderful. We decided to take a double decker tour bus to see the city.  They have a fantastic system for tourists - 3 different routes and you can hop on and off at any of the stops along the way.

It was cool and sunny, a perfect sightseeing day.

There are loads of statues and fountains.

There are remarkable old buildings everywhere but the Spaniards are most proud of the Gaudi architecture. 

 I assume it is all a matter of taste but I find the buildings bizarre.
I understand that his ideas were to blend his buildings with nature and to add to the natural elements of the countryside.  

Personally, I think his ideas were not only ahead of his time, but into the next millennium, in a land far, far away, inhabited by creatures with poor eyesight but a great sense of direction so that they can wend their way through the curves and the labyrinths of these buildings.

They refer to this building as the "magnificent"  Sagrada Familia Cathedral begun over 100 years ago which many consider his "richest: and "truest" work, a massive, privately-funded Roman Catholic Church!

It was impossible to get into the building especially since it was Palm Sunday.  But we were able to go completely around the building and see the facades on each side.  The guide said that the building will never stop because of the donations that come pouring in, so as long as that continues more things will be built onto it.  The cranes are ever-present.

On the tops of some of the spires are grapes, oranges, bright green thingies and more.

The city was lovely.


We tagged along while the chef went to the market to buy supplies and the market was huge.  Supposed to be the largest in Europe and it was fantastic and clean.  I've never seen so much food in one place.  We decided that rather than returning to the bus to go back to the ship, we would wander the market, buy some food and make a picnic outside.

We found a park bench and sat down to a picnic lunch with olives, tomatoes, cheese, butter and bread and enjoyed a splendid picnic in front of this fountain. And of course Valencia oranges for dessert.


After lunch we strolled and Len took more photos.  Here is the bull ring in the center of the town.

This dog sat patiently waiting for some food.

More lovely architecture.

Well we wandered the streets some more then found our way to the shuttle bus for a trip back to the ship.



It was cold and rainy in Cartagena. Our ship docked right in front of the city so all we had to do was to walk up the hill to town.

Cartagena has been the headquarters of the Spanish Navy's Maritime Department since the 18th century and is still an important navel seaport and a large naval shipyard.

Not much to see - just wandered the streets.

We could not even stop for a coffee because of the drizzle so it was just a short visit however as we were leaving we caught sight of this.

One full day at sea and then Lisbon, Portugal.

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