Sunday, April 17, 2011


Len took this fabulous picture the night before our ship neared Crete.

We had no tours planned for Crete since it was only a short stop (5 hours), but at least it gave us an opportunity to visit the city of Heraklion.  The weather, since before we left Jordan has been amazingly beautiful.  Cool, sunny, delicious!

If I lived in any of these Mediterranean countries I would be 500 lbs!  Their breads are fantastic and the smells from all the bakeries throughout this trip has been exquisite and Crete was no exception.

I think if I had any complaint about this world cruise it would be that some of the stops in the counties we have visited are too short (and a few too long.)

Crete is the largest island of Greece with the civilization flourishing from 2000 BC.  The frescoes show bejeweled woman elegantly gowned and coifed at a time when most of Europe was inhabited by primitive tribes.

The ship provided a shuttle bus to the town center where we just got off and wandered the lovely streets.

There were vendors lining the streets with all sorts of things.  Their fruits, vegetables and fresh caught fish were wonderful.  That is a full size tangerine that Len put beside the radishes to show you just how large the radishes are.  Amazing!

The city was clean, everyone was friendly and almost everyone, everywhere speaks English.

Our 1/2 day in Crete was lovely, just too short.

The Captain announced that around 10 PM this evening we would be passing a volcano, Stromboli,
the most active volcano in the Mediterranean.  It was windy and freezing cold but the ship slowed down
enough for Len to run out on deck and take a picture.  There were 2 more much larger eruptions we could see them but could not get another picture.

Would you believe there is a small town at the base of this volcano and years ago it was a favorite honeymoon destination.  Crazy!

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