Tuesday, April 19, 2011

SORRENTO AND CAPRI - I'm running out of adjectives - April 14th

The ports are coming fast and furious now.  No more numerous sea days.

If we were to pick a spot to return to, it would definitely be Sorrento.  It is everything that we've ever seen and more! 

We had the whole day to explore!

The ship dropped anchor in the Bay of Naples and we took the ship's tender to the harbor then boarded a shuttle bus to the village atop the hills.


Towering cliffs with houses, hotels & the village itself perched on the edges. April has to be the best time of year to come here.  The weather was perfect. Sunshine and cool.  Wisteria was in bloom everywhere and  flower boxes and pots were abundant. The central plaza was exquisite and everything is clean!

People were sitting and drinking coffee, laughing and talking throughout the village.
There were intimate restaurants on narrow alleys and everywhere people were walking.

We strolled many streets, peeking in windows and finding all the hidden charms this village offered.  At this flower shop Len bought a package of heirloom tomato seeds.

We strolled the streets with our mouths watering at all the delicious fruits, vegetables, breads and pastries
they offered. If I lived here I'd probably be 500 lbs.

Too bad I didn't have more room in our suitcase for this!

It is not really tourist season now but the streets were busy with shoppers.

There were beautiful old buildings on every street and some of them had frescoes more than
300 years old.

We wandered with another couple from 9am till 2pm and we did not have to get back to the ship until 5:30.  

What to do.........what to do?  Let's got to Capri for lunch!

We went back to the harbor and boarded a ferry for the 20 minute ride to Capri, an island visible from Sorrento.

Everywhere along the harbor were restaurants and small cafes with people eating or drinking coffee, chatting and enjoying the beautiful spring weather.

We found a restaurant by the water, sat under an umbrella and had the very best pizza EVER!

We re-boarded the ferry for the trip back to Sorrento and with 15 minutes to spare, made it back to the ship.  It was a fantastic day!

Before we departed, Len took this photo of Mt. Vesuvius.

As our ship cleared the harbor I was feeding the seagulls by tossing bits of breadsticks and Len caught this one right by our balcony.

Just terrific!

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