Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Our wonderful world cruise has finally reached its conclusion.  The ship and its crew have been amazing.
We could not have had finer ship to travel on.  The majority of the ports were great, some fabulous and if truth be told, some awful.

We have travelled more than 29,500 nautical miles, crossed the equator twice, crossed the Tropic of Cancer,  sailed  the Pacific Ocean, crossed the dateline going west, cruised the Southern Ocean, the Tasman Sea, the Bass Straight, the Australian Bight, the Indian Ocean, the Makassar Strait, the Sulu Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the Strait of Malakka, the Andaman Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Malabar Coast, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Messina the Strait of Gibraltar, the Atlantic Ocean ad finally the English Chanel.

We visited more than 45 ports of call and met some very wonderful people along the way.

I hope all of you have enjoyed reading the blog and looking at Len's photos.

We are looking forward to coming home, in fact excited to come home.

A remarkable experience, our heads filled with wonderful images, and memories to last a lifetime.

See you all soon.

Len and Helen


 I have been collecting pins and souvenirs along the way.  This green jacket is the culmination of
The Sandow's Excellent Adventure!

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